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Elevator Pitch

We are coming from different businesses and we have diverse backgrounds: food processing, human resources, environment protection, financing, marketing. What unites us is our love for challenge and excellence in execution.


Partners used to work for multinationals, both in Romania as abroad. Everybody speaks English, French or other languages (e.g. Russian).

Most of the partners hold MBA’s or MSc’s (psychology, finance, environment protection).


We have strong network of professionals working for multinationals in Romania which seek new careers, interested about our development. We may count employing, on project basis, without any exaggeration, on several tens of professionals, and we mean it.


Until now we have assisted projects valued over 30 millions Euro, the net average value per projects standing at 3 millions Euro. We are focused on large projects, but we love the small ones that challenge our creativity.

You have an investment idea. We do the rest in order you to reach “safe” at the “cutting of the ribbon” moment. Whatever the problems on the road (financing, projecting, obtaining the notifications or permits) we solve them.

In brief, this is the opportunity founders seized: provide management consulting (feasibility studies, business plans, market studies, etc) to SME’s and FDI’s, with a focus on investments.


Soon we discovered a wave of investments, unknown in Romania, so far. As a result we developed partnerships with real estate experts, engineering companies, and civil works companies and developed a one-stop-shop concept.


We are dealing with authorities in order to obtain any of the needed license, permit, and authorisation and spare the resources of our customers.

Our story goes quite simple: you are the mountaineer and we are the sherpas. Being there many times, we know the mountains but we are aware that every new climb request different approach encompassed by differences between moments or actors of the climbing.

Many SME managers can’t afford to employ skilled white collars due to high salaries asked and fees requested by international consulting companies are too far above the ground. But their needs exists, moreover, they are facing strategic and change challenges.


However it’s less expensive signing a contract with us on project basis than hiring us as individuals.

In a larger sense, yes.

For us, the talent, the passion, the entusiasm and professionalism are the meaning of success guarantee.